Delay for sowing catch crops

Delay for sowing catch crops

Are you a farmer? If so, you have probably been able to sow and plant your crops later due to the extremely wet spring. As a result, those crops are still growing now, so the harvest will be later than in other years. But by 1 October 2024, you must have sown your catch crop (grass, clover, etc.) by no later than 1 October 2024. However, according to the expert committee, sticking to this date does not contribute to the goal: the uptake of nitrogen from the soil. Therefore, Minister Wiersma has decided to grant you an extension for sowing the catch crop after maize and other crops such as potatoes and sugar beet on sandy and loess soil until 21 October 2024 at the latest. After maize harvest, the catch crop must be sown after a maximum of 7 days. For other crops, there is an incremental discount on your 2025 nitrogen use standard if you sow the catch crop after 21 October.

On the website of the RFO you will find more information on the exact details of the rules.

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