Consider VAT deadlines in real estate

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Consider VAT deadlines in real estate

When buying or selling a property, did you choose to deliver VAT-taxed? In that case, the buyer must issue a written statement to the seller and the tax authorities within four weeks of the end of the financial year following the financial year in which the property was delivered to him/her. This must show that the buyer also actually used the property for taxed supplies for 90% (sometimes 70%) or more in both years. Thus, for a taxable supply in 2023, this must be done by 29 January 2025 at the latest.
Do you rent out a property with VAT? If so, the tenant who no longer meets the 90% (sometimes 70%) criterion must report this to you and to the Inland Revenue within four weeks of the end of the year.

You would be wise to check whether the tenant of your property still meets the 90% (70%) criterion and if not, whether he/she has come forward