End of delay for sowing catch crops nears

End of delay for sowing catch crops nears

In early September last year, you as a farmer received a postponement for sowing catch crops (grass, clover, etc.) after harvesting maize or for catch crops on sandy and loess soils. The reason was that you could sow later this year because of the extremely wet spring. However, the postponement expires on 21 October 2024. After the maize harvest, the catch crop must be sown after a maximum of 7 days. For other crops, an incremental reduction in your 2025 nitrogen use standard applies if you do not sow the catch crop or sow it after 21 October. You report the sowing period in the Combined Declaration. Did you enter a sowing date before? Then check if it is still correct.

On the website of the RFO you will find more information on deferral and reporting in the Combined Declaration.

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