Time is running out for SSEB clean construction grant application

Time is running out for SSEB clean construction grant application

Do you own a construction company with construction equipment or a company that rents construction equipment? Then you can still apply until 31 October 2024 (12:00 am) use the Clean and Emission-free Construction Equipment Grant Scheme (SSEB). Among other things, you can get subsidies through this subsidy scheme for the conversion costs of making existing construction equipment low-emission or emission-free. Subsidies are also available for buying or leasing a new construction vehicle or machine that emits (virtually) no nitrogen. In addition, there is the Innovation subsidy for the (further) development of new emission-free techniques and a feasibility subsidy for a feasibility study leading to a project experimental development towards innovations of emission-free construction machinery and the charging infrastructure needed for this. The subsidy amount for SMEs is up to 50% (other companies 30%) of the net investment cost.

Are you planning to make one or more of the aforementioned investments? Then check whether you meet the conditions for this grant scheme and make sure you submit your application on time.

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