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General terms and conditions

Avanti Jure is a private limited liability company registered in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 77058135.

The general terms and conditions of Avanti Jure Advocatuur (Avanti Jure) apply to all assignments to Avanti Jure, including follow-up assignments. Besides Avanti Jure, all persons currently or formerly connected with Avanti Jure and their possible legal successors may invoke these general conditions. Persons connected to Avanti Jure include its employees and third parties engaged by it.

An assignment to Avanti Jure covers all work necessary to contribute to the result intended by the client, on the understanding that an assignment is always an obligation of effort and can never be an obligation of result. Third parties cannot derive any rights from (the results of) an instruction, not even if they can be considered directly or indirectly as interested parties. Avanti Jure accepts no liability whatsoever towards third parties, regardless of the basis, for work carried out on behalf of a client.

All instructions shall be deemed to have been given exclusively to Avanti Jure and not to any person connected to Avanti Jure. This also applies if it is the intention of the parties that an instruction will be carried out by a certain person connected to Avanti Jure. Article 7:404 of the Civil Code, which provides for the latter case, and Article 7:407(2) of the Civil Code, which establishes joint and several liability in cases where an instruction is given to two or more persons, are expressly excluded.

The Client is obliged to provide Avanti Jure with all facts and circumstances which may be relevant for the correct performance of the Agreement as well as all data and information requested by Avanti Jure, in a timely and complete manner. The Client guarantees the accuracy and completeness of all data and information provided to Avanti Jure. Avanti Jure is not liable for any damage caused by relying on incorrect or incomplete data provided by the Client.

Avanti Jure takes due care when engaging third parties, including but not limited to translators, external lawyers and bailiffs. Avanti Jure is not liable for any shortcomings of these third parties. If a third party limits its liability, Avanti Jure may accept that limitation of liability on behalf of the client.

If no special method of remuneration for the work has been agreed between Avanti Jure and the client, the fee will be calculated on the basis of an hourly rate of €260.15 (including VAT), plus disbursements. Disbursements are, for example, costs of external lawyers, bailiffs and court fees.

Avanti Jure does not receive third-party funds within the meaning of the Legal Profession Ordinance (Voda) and is therefore exempt from the requirement to have a third-party funds foundation.

By giving an assignment, the client gives permission to process his or her personal data, which may or may not include the personal data of persons associated with the client. The processing of this personal data is necessary for the performance of the assignment, as well as for complying with legal obligations. Avanti Jure may be required under the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act to establish the client's identity and must report unusual transactions as referred to in that Act to the authorities.

Avanti Jure makes use of digital tools. The Client must take into account the risks involved, including but not limited to interception, hacking, delay, mutilation, viruses, damage to software and so on. Avanti Jure is not liable for damage suffered by the Client if such a risk reveals itself, except if and insofar as Avanti Jure has committed professional misconduct in this context.

The liability of Avanti Jure and its affiliated persons, including but not limited to mr. Natasja Rensen, in connection with the performance of an assignment, regardless of the basis, shall in any event be limited to the amount paid out by Avanti Jure's insurer, plus the amount of the excess payable by Avanti Jure. Avanti Jure is insured through Markel Insurance SE. A liability claim must be communicated to Avanti Jure in writing as soon as possible, but in any case 2 months after the client has become aware of (possible) damage. Avanti Jure shall never be liable for indirect damage and/or consequential damage including but not limited to trading loss.

All agreements with Avanti Jure are always governed by Dutch law. Disputes arising from or related to an agreement will be settled by the competent court in the district of Zeeland-West Brabant, without prejudice to the right of appeal and cassation.
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